Living as an Authentic, Fully Expressed, Unapologetic Woman & Creating the Life you Choose.
I'M READY!The program is live now, so if you're called to work together - book a call to see if this program is a fit for you!
to consistently embody your inner queen, and
to take charge of and create the life of your dreams
- Access to Sand live 5 times each month
- POWERFUL Group coaching to help you navigate whatever circumstances you face
- Intimate Q & A sessions to ground your understanding and accelerate your learning
- New and Full Moon Breathwork Journeys that allow you to access the guidance of the Ancestors
- VIP sessions before each Breathwork Journey to enable you to maximize the impact of these Journeys
- Trauma-informed practices - that can transform childhood wounds into wisdom
- Learn the power of Internal Family System systems - to break free from generational wounding
- Monthly accountability practices to keep you on track towards your goals
- Embodiment assignments and life-changing practices to create new possibilities immediately
- Private online community of AMAZING like-minded women who lovingly and boldly support each other
- An INCREDIBLE well-stocked library of powerful tools and recordings to inspire your continuing journey
UNLEASH Your Feminine Power: Learn how to integrate your wild, unapologetic feminine self into the four main areas of your life - health, wealth, relationships, and work - and step out as a fully expressed, bold, and daring individual.
STAY ON TRACK Every Day: Master the practice of staying on track every day, even as your dreams get bigger, so that you can reach beyond your edges and achieve your goals.
CLAIM What Is Yours: Be ready to claim what is yours and lavishly receive the life of your choosing with the tools, strategies, and consistency you need to live your authentic, fully expressed, unapologetic life.
CONNECT with Your North Star: Deepen your connection to your North Star, the guiding force that will help you stay true to your purpose and values.
EXPRESS Your Uniqueness: Express your uniqueness in voice and purpose, and unleash your creativity to dream even bigger.
REINFORCE Sisterhood: Reinforce sisterhood as a haven and other women as your powerful allies and resources, so that you can rise together and support each other on your journeys.
COME HOME to Your Sensual Self: Establish your body as your sanctuary and come home to your own sensual self, so that you can feel confident, empowered, and fully alive.
Gain and master the tools, strategies, and consistency you need to live your Authentic, Fully Expressed, Unapologetic Life of your Choosing.
- Be with Sand FIVE times per month!
- POWERFUL 2-HOUR Group Coaching Sessions meet on the first Wednesday evening of each month from 5- 7 PM PST
- TWO VIP Intention Setting sessions 60 minutes before each Breathwork Journey 4.55 - 5:55 pm PST
- TWO TRANSFORMATIONAL Ancestral Breathwork Journeys, on Tuesday or Thursday closest to the Full and New Moon, at 6:00 - 7:30 pm PST
- INTIMATE Community Time to DEEPEN your intuition and connection to your Ancestors and all of the Cosmic Forces, directly following each Breathwork Journey 7:30 - 8:00 pm PST
- All events occur online via Zoom
- No Breathwork Journeys in July or December

There comes a time in the life of a woman when her self-worth is no longer found without…
A time when empty compliments, new lovers, and more “likes” don’t concern her…
When her sense of self-worth is felt deep within her own soul.
There comes a time in the life of a woman when her value is no longer dependent upon how much she does, how much she makes, or how put together her life appears…
A time when the opinions others hold of her no longer matter…
When above all else, she prioritizes how her life feels, rather than how it looks.
There comes a time in the life of a woman when she’s no longer ashamed of her naked body…
A time when she fully embraces every curve, every stretch mark, and every dimple...
When her sexuality and ecstasy is one of deep feminine intimacy, compassion & self-love.
There comes a time in the life of a woman when her voice can no longer be silenced, her power can no longer be denied, and her purpose can longer be ignored...
A time when she stops living for others…
When she realizes she is, and has always been, all that she needs.

For the past three decades I've helped thousands of women, all over the globe, uncover and claim their voice, purpose, passion and power.
My unique teachings combine ancient wisdom with the best of modern psychology, sacred magic with vision and action.
I've dedicated my heart, soul, and spirit to supporting the Feminine Rising, helping them to embody the Divine feminine and the wisdom, magic and power she bestows on us.
I envision a world where every woman and girl can step into Sovereignty over her own life